Zoom Honolulu Ninja Mask

Honolulu Ninja Mask

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The current ship time of this item is April 8th-12th.

Why you will love your Ninja Mask:

Helps alleviate the demand of N95 respirators and Surgical Masks so that our front-line doctors, nurses, and essential workers can maintain access to the limited global supply.

Ninja Masks are made in Los Angeles, California, with our premium Ninja Fabric blend of polyester and spandex, creating a comfortable yet firm fit.

Purchasing allows our dedicated and hardworking Pi manufacturing team employed during these uncertain times.

Two dollars of every purchase goes to the L.A. and other regional Food Bank.

They are constructed with a protective padded elastic binding to ensure a tight fit while minimizing discomfort to your face and ears.

Reusable and washable with warm water and soap, or laundry.

Follows current CDC guidelines regarding face coverings for social distancing

Here's what the Ninja Mask is not:

A replacement for a medical-grade respirator or surgical mask for health professionals.

This item should be in use with many other methods of prevention, including hand-washing, cleanliness, and most importantly, social distancing.

This item does not guarantee to, nor make claims of preventing any infectious diseases. Please contact your health provider before using this mask.

Ninja Pant Size Chart

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